I graduated from UCLA in 2020 with a Bachelor's degree in Math of Computation. I am passionate about software engineering and currently work as one at Moody's Analytics. I'm also passionate about data journalism and have worked on several pieces that use data to contextualize and elucidate. I also love to cook, run, and write. I'm always open to conversation, feel free to shoot me an email!
About Me
Selected Work
Predicting NYC Cab Fares

Implemented 4 versions of a basic Neural Network using Tensorflow to predict cab fares for every time bracket of the day with 4 different data cleaning methods, resulting in the best output of a Root Mean Squared Error of 2.7 among the 4, placing it in the top 5 Kaggle submissions among almost 1500 submissions.
Modeling COVID-19 Spread at UCLA

Developed a network of student interactions in classrooms using stochastic block models and the NetworkX library in Python, and implemented an SIR model in Javascript using networks in D3 to animate 10 weeks of coronavirus spread.
Optimization Library

Developed a simple optimization library in Python to implement several optimization algorithms like gradient descent, Newton’s method, and conjugate-gradient methods.
Analysis of Presidential Candidates Using Their Twitter

Scraped twitter feeds of all US Presidential Candidates, and generated Personality Insights using IBM Watson's Personality Insights API. Also developed interactive bubble and bar charts using ChartJS, along with front-end component to display information about personality traits and keywords most frequently used by candidates
Effects of Fracking on Public Schools

Used QGIS to plot public schools and oil wells and create buffers of overlapping regions. Also created a choropleth map showing correlation between income distribution and the likelihood of a school being near an oil well